I'm hoping this blog helps us not only support one another in our crazy attempts to defy the aging process, but serves as a way to really connect with each other. We are all in so many different places; both literally and figuratively. My hope is that those things become irrelevant as we discuss our hopes, dreams, set backs and progresses not just with our training, but with life, husbands (both x and future), boyfriends, children, school and work. We are a wonderful, powerful group of women and we need each other. At least I know I need all of you. Just think of all we can accomplish together! I'm so excited!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Just the Two of US

Okay Alli! I think it's you and me babe!!!! I started my official training yesterday! I'm so excited and a little nervous. I have to say that this experience has already taught me so much about myself and if I can do this thing that seems soooo impossible, then there isn't anything I can't do. I really hope everyone else at least walks the half marathon. Alli, are you only running the half or are you going to run the full with me in Dec?

1 comment:

Alli said...

im doing it all baby! doin it all

Slow and Steady FINISHES the Race